Photoshop Color Correction is a series designed to help you
understand how color works in digital images, and acquire the skills you
need to correct color and make creative image adjustments in a variety
of scenarios. This is the foundation of the series. Start here to learn
how to use channels and histograms to identify problem areas, apply
adjustments such as Curves and White Balance, and make edits that change
the entire mood of an image. Taz Tally takes you between Adobe Bridge,
Photoshop, and Camera Raw, making sure you get the most power from each
tool in the workflow. Future follow-up courses will be project-based
"quick wins," but you can return here at any time to revisit the basics.
Topics include:
- What is color correction?
- Comparing RGB and CMYK color modes
- Using grayscales and neutrals for color correction
- Understanding pixels and bit depth
- Evaluating and correcting images with histograms
- Using nondestructive editing tools
- Removing a color cast
- Performing curve corrections in Camera Raw
- Affecting creative adjustments
- Retouching an image
- Sharpening images
- Preparing for print and web use